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首頁 產品中心英國諾冠NORGREN代理英國諾冠NORGREN現貨授權daili商
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    諾冠提供廣泛的高質量氣動和流體控制產品,例如執行機構、空氣潔凈處理、管接頭和閥門。憑借Lintra、Excelon、Pneufit、Martonair、Enots、Herion、FAS和Buschjost 等產品品牌,諾冠已擁有行業內zui龐大的產品組合。

    英國諾冠NORGREN現貨授權daili商 劉


     Roundline Cylinders
    手機; :408381382 劉向陽
    ISO and non ISO cylinders for a wide variety of applications. Available in diameters from 10 to 100mm and in single or double acting variants.

    Compact Actuators

    A range of ISO and non ISO compact and clamping cylinders available in diameters from 8 to 125m.

    ISO/VDMA profile cylinders

    Norgrens’s tried and tested range of ISO/VDMA profile cylinders available in diameters from 32 up to 320mm. Available in both single and double acting variations.

    LINTRA Rodless cylinders

    Exceptional range of lightweight double acting cylinders with stroke lengths up to 8500mm dependant on the diameter specified.

    Slides & Guided Actuators

    Combination of slide units and guiding/stopping cylinders both feature double actuation. The slide units feature long durable life and high guidance performance whilst the guiding/stopping cylinders feature accuracies of +/-0.02mm.

    Rotary Actuators

    Rotary vane or rack and pinion double acting actuators featuring rotation angles up to 360?. Ideal for applications that need rotary actuation instead of linear.

    Stainless steel

    A range of quality stainless steel roundline cylinders that conform to the ISO requirements and are ideal for use in high corrosion environments.

    Air Bellows

    Norgren’s range of compact air bellows are ideal for use in applications that require short stroke and high force.


    Reed and solid state magnetically operated switches which are suitable for all cylinder ranges with magnetic piston.

    Classic actuators

    A range of tried and tested products, here you will find classics from Martonair and Lintra.

東莞市廣聯自動化科技有限公司 版權所有 總訪問量:804774 地址:東莞市南城區莞太路旺南1號寫字樓1506 郵編:523001
電話:0769-89775278 傳真:0769-89775278 手機:13380159194 聯系人:劉婷婷 郵箱:2050639709@qq.com
GoogleSitemap 網址:www.3dtank.com.cn 技術支持:化工儀器網 管理登陸 ICP備案號:粵ICP備2022089575號備提供商。